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This is the message that Cristina sent me and I think that her words says it all.
"When I could not see any light at the end of the tunnel, you came as a sunbeam. God bless you for what you do, for the smile you donate to people who look at tomorrow without any hope. I believe that these 'little-big things' are miracles that provide hope. THANK YOU, with love, Cristina"
The project is a big success, all beneficiaries were happily surprised and very thankful. This project provided not only food supplies aid but an important psychological support for the families.
Bernardino will not have to go to the forest, at least this winter, to find firewood and he will feel more comfortable and safe.
“If you’ve got a roof over your head and a settled, secure place to live it makes everything so much easier.” A roof over your head is such a basic human right. Become an enabler, donate!
The relief of Carmen having to focus her energy on recovering, rather than on finding the resources for her treatment, might help her recovery process.
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